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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 11-13-2012, 10:33 PM

I can actually lol at first I was like I can't remember! Well anyways.. this was a looooooong time ago back when AoL chatrooms were for Role Playing.. and other.. things.. er.. lol Anyways, my bro got me into RP, I was just a kid back then so I sucked but not that much because I read alot of books and whatnot.. ANYWAYS! Her name was Ayana Steelwing.. well actually I don't but I do remember my first RP characters.

Ayana Steelwing - she was like a harpy sorta mixed with a tiger.. I can't show you because it was a loooong time ago and I wouldn't know how to find that picture (Besides I've gone through like 3-5 computers). She was used in RPs that you had to roll dice... lol I think it was a turn based RP or something or like a fighting one.

Some anthro furry called I think Sasha... don't remember but I can tell you that I didn't find this picture my brother did and he didn't get it from googling or whatever lets just say he got it from a site that wasn't PG-13. But the picture was so yeah she was a tan bunny in like cyber clothes with a gun.

And my other one that I can remember was this little girl (I can find the picture somewhere..but it's around the interwebs more easier to find then the others). She has really long red hair, has black wings that faded into or from white/tan, black dress with some white in it. And she was standing in a pool of blood. She was my Judgement Angel.. I'm withholding name for sake of people who might take it