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Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 09:47 AM

~Where We Will Start~

We will start where the brothers are living on their own, being watched over by May and her grandmother. This is BEFORE Aris' run in with the sins at the dinner, and before he becomes a wanted criminal.


This roleplay was inspired by Fullmetal Alchemist, so when I picture the characters at times I associate them with charries from there. For instance Aris would be like Ed, Oliver like Al and May like Winry. The plot line and the characters idea are my own, and we will see how they play out.



1. Respect all members of the roleplay
2. Follow all Mene rules.
3. Yaoi and yuri allowed, so respect this, and if you do not like it respect those who do.
4. PM all profiles to Me titled with the name of the Rp or they will not be looked at
5. Keep ooc within the ooc, I do not like ooc in the rp thread, so keep it out. This is your only warnning.
6. No godmodding please -.-
7. ALL posts must be a minimum of a solid paragraph NO one, two or three liners are allowed.
8. I will add/subtract and update the rules as needed.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 11-18-2012 at 10:04 AM..