Thread: Random Blurbs
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Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 03:06 AM

I will comment in your blurb about what you wrote.

Where I live right now where you have one light at one intersection which is a minor place next to a shopping mall and then beyond lies route 1 which is a major road north and south bound you have to cross if you are heading north. I noticed that the lights are not coordinated with the main one that regulates route one and the people coming off the intersection from the shopping mall. The main light on route one for crossing will be green just as the one before you get to that intersection will turn red thus creating when it's busy a semi gridlock! A few accidents have actually occurred although they were only minor fender benders-- but still they take up space in the road as they got to wait for the police to arrive and investigate to make the report then finally move the cars out out of the way because it's so annoying! Some people are courteous enough to move their cars off the road when minor incidents happen. You also get the scenario where you get people racing through to beat the red light through the yellow light which has the potential to be disasterous.

Anyways... there's my thoughts. lol