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Boy Lolita
AzkaBelle is offline
Old 11-25-2012, 05:46 AM

Rachel had gotten to school rather quickly, her house only being about ten minutes away by car. She sighed as Finn opened the door for her. He could visibly see Rachel was stressing out about something. "Whats the matter? Your eyes look about ready to explode. I didn't do anything did I? It's not our anniversary." Finn reached into his pocket to check his phone, Rachel had bookmarked their anniversary on his calander so when the date came he wouldn't be able to forget about it. "No, see?" he held up the phone. Rachel shook her head, he dark hair swooshing back and forth. She hadn't had to much time to straighten it so it was a bit wavy in the back making it bouncier. "No it's not you Finn, go ahead to homeroom. I'm fine I promise." she breathed in dramatically before giving him what she'd dubbed her 'Crest' smile. He stared at her, unsure for a moment. He was never sure with Rachel. Sometimes when she said go she really wanted him to stay. She groaned reading him like a book. "I mean it Finn go on, there is something I have to do."

As she walked along the halls she waved to everyone she saw, they were celebrities after winning regionals. People smiled at her, some freshmen even asked her for her autograph which she gave all to willingly. By the time she was done she'd used up five gold stars which in her own mind was alot.

That morning she'd been in such a hurry she didn't realize just how many morning duties she'd shirked until she felt her morning latte churn in her stomach. She'd not used the bathroom yet and in all reality, she really had to pee! She quickened her pace and headed straight for the girls bathroom.

As she sat in the stall she heard someone come in, she was just fixing her panty hose when she realized who it was. Her hand clapped to her mouth quietly. 'QUINN?!' she thought with a scream in her head. No way, it couldn't be! she thought as she watched the girl walk out of the bathroom. Well, just incase Rachel decided to follow her. As the blonde/pink haired girl stopped to talk to Santana and britt it was confirmed. That was Quinn. Her Quinn. She waited it out until Quinn was done talking to the head Cheerios before speeding up to catch her. She caught up when Quinn's cigarrette was being lit. Her nose automatically scrunched up but she decided she'd better speak now because the skanks were beginning to look at her weird. "Uhm, Quinn?" she began meekly steeping forward over the 'under the bleachers' threshold. "Hey, it's me. . Rachel?" she wasn't sure if Quinn was on drugs or not so she'd re-introduced herself just incase.