Thread: Memory CRACK!
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Endei is offline
Old 11-25-2012, 03:58 PM

memory CRACK ! x

Their lives had been nothing more than a complete and utter wreck. They came from broken families, families who mistreated them, or simply came from orphanages. They were teens, young adults who had been on drugs or committing theft, assault, even murder. At this point in their lives, there was no chance for them to rehabilitate. Not even time in Juvenile Hall or at jail could get through them. They were prone to commit the same acts over and over again and yet they were perfect for the government.

Project M.A.R.S. Memory Altering and or Recreation System was created by the government in order to see if they would be able to rehabilitate criminals or people who had become mentally unstable through the method of altering or completely wiping out and recreating their memories and thus being able to reinstate them into society.

These people were soon taken away to become the first test subjects for project M.A.R.S. Taken into a secret facility, their memories were soon completely altered or recreated and once the procedures were completed they were sent into a small town where each and every one of them would be under the observation of their assigned family; a town and a family who they had been brought to believe they have lived with throughout their lives. Their assigned families and everyone around them? Scientists who were assigned to watch over them. Here is where the project will truly be tested to see its efficiency. Their behavior will be observed to the smallest detail. The question now is will these subjects ever remember their true pasts? and if so, what will happen to them? Will they learn the truth of all of this? and if they do, how will this impact them?

Note: Still under construction, will continue later on. If you're interested in the role play, feel free to let me know through the OOC thread! Memory CRACK! OOC :D

Last edited by Endei; 11-25-2012 at 04:24 PM..