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Boy Lolita
AzkaBelle is offline
Old 11-25-2012, 10:33 PM

Rachel stepped back a little, straightening out her sweater. She knew Quinn didn't like what she was wearing by the look on her face. She couldn't help but blush. How childish Quinn must think she was. "Well, I heard you weren't in Glee anymore and I just had to see why for myself. It won't be the same without you in there. We need you." she looked down at her black schoolgirl shoes. "I just wanted you to know you're loved in that room, you're family to us and we'd do anything for you." Rachel really wanted to say. 'I'd do anything for you.' but didn't want to get beat up by the Skanks under the bleachers. "I just. . .I thought we were starting to be friends and I wanted to try my best to get you back in there. Besides me, your the best voice we have." Rachel flipped some of her brown hair back as she said 'besides me'. Even when recruiting it was hard for Rachel Berry not to flaunt her star status.

She walked closer. "At least talk to me, why don't I treat you to dinner tonight after school? Finn has some things to take care of with the team so I'll be all alone anyways. I wouldn't mind the company." she looked up, batting her dark lashes. "Please?" she asked, hoping the stone cold ex-cheerio would cave in and go. If Quinn wasn't going to be a part of Glee anymore she was surely going to find out why, and on top of that. . she wanted to spend time with her.