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Boy Lolita
AzkaBelle is offline
Old 11-26-2012, 12:26 AM

"Oh H-hi." Rachel said as she was being tugged through the restaurant to their table. The waiter was nice, taking their drink orders quickly. Rachel guessed it was probably because he wanted to get away from the mean looking Quinn as quickly as possible. If Rachel didn't know who was really underneath all the clothes and make-up she might have been a bit scared to approach her as well. "I didn't know if you'd come for sure or not." she looked down and wished she'd worn something else, V-necks really showed off a bit to much in her opinion. She pulled nervously at her sleeves while the waiter came back with their drinks. "Ready to order?" he asked. Rachel shook her head. "Uh I think I need just another minute." she smiled brilliantly up and him and he smiled back with a nice nod. He himself thought it odd that a girl like Rachel would be out and about with someone as grungy looking as Quinn. "Anything look good to you?" she asked, picking up the menu. She always took a few extra minutes to order. Really she didn't enjoy eaing in front of other people but she'd make an exception this time. She really wanted to know what was going on with Quinn. All day she'd been coming up with ideas as to why Quinn had such a drastic makeover. The baby was the only reason Rachel could think of to why Quinn would be acting this way now. Loosing the baby to adoption had been her and Pucks choice though so Rachel couldn't exactly grasp why she was so upset now. Wasn't she happy that little Beth would be with someone who could take care of her? Rachel knew that her real mother could do it, she was a bit upset that her biological mom had chosen Quinns baby over herself but it had to be done at the time. She was just glad she'd unherited the muscial talent she posessed now.