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Angelo is offline
Old 12-01-2012, 05:18 AM

"Good. Food is always a necessity. Fortunately, we haven't been cut off from those supplies yet," Jaikar replied, absentmindedly checking over some maps. A few detailed locations of farms nearby, some of which were no longer there. The people hadn't surrendered easily, though that was mainly because they erroneously believed that the Imperial army would come to their rescue at any time like they were living in a fairy tale. The metals, however, were just as important as the food. New weapons had to be made and old ones sharpened almost daily, which put a huge strain on their resources.

As Malyn continued, Jaikar nodded along. He had already figured that Malyn had some connection to a mole masquerading as an Imperial of some station. The fact that it was family was a bit surprising, though being disgraced would explain the other man's distaste of the Empire quite nicely. Even that surprise was nothing compared to how he reacted to the news that the Empress's youngest had fled the city. "Truly? That is quite momentous," he said, beginning to pace as his mind raced at a thousand leagues an hour. "The question now is how can we twist this to our advantage?"

"This evening I will announce the information before the battle," Jaikar muttered aloud. "Hopefully that will spur the soldiers to fight better and harder tomorrow." He called out to Thimyla to take the list of supplies to the Quartermaster for inventory and waited silently while she took it and found a servant to run the message. Once she was gone, he turned back to Malyn and said, "Thanks for your help. Having a man who can provide us with information on the inside is a great help."