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Kiyoto is offline
Old 12-08-2012, 07:05 AM

A bit of practice felt good, getting his emotions under control. Angel smiled as he moved to the target he had been working with, removing the arrows. They turned to a gold dust in his hands, which was typical after they had served their purpose. Maybe that was why his father never got caught. He chuckled a bit, and turned to look over the grass back towards the cabins. He wondered what the others were up to, by now they must have settled in right? He stepped away from the target, and made his way back towards the main camp. He slipped the heart back on its' chain as he did, feeling more calm and at peace now. The morning's events had been anything but simple, and he was hoping they had calmed down by now. He paused for a moment to glance at the sky. A breeze flowing past, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was nice out, and beautiful weather always helped to make his mood lighten. He thought about going to the showers after training, he could deffinetly use one.

Without a second thought, that was where he headed, after stopping by his cabin to pick up a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. It was empty at the moment, so that was good, it gave him time to thing. Hot water and silence was a perfect relaxing way to sort thoughts out, pairing that after a bit of training, and Angel felt the day was going perfectly. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and clearing his mind. He relaxed, not bothering to be so on guard or worried about control as he usually was, it was not going to harm anything to relax a little bit was it? He washed up, staying for awhile to just relax and think. He hoped the others were staying out of trouble, though with those who were here, that was a big if. He sighed, and leaned against the wall, as long as they kept him out of the middle of it, all was good. Something told him however that would not be the case.

Luke Byren

The water was cold against his skin, and for that Luke was thankful for. It was nice out, but his body was burning up a bit more then usual. He made his way to the shore, his breath slightly off and his heart racing a bit after the swim. He runs a hand through his wet hair, and notices a few girls watching and whispering. It wasn't uncommon, Luke was good looking for his age, and not at all out of place among the water. It was off for a son of Vulcan to be thinking that, but it was true. He needed the cold water to cool down, it was either that, or going topless everywhere. Either way would not be a bad choice for many he had herd. A slight smile found its' way to his lips at the thought. People were so easily amused. He walked over to where his things were waiting, grabbing a towel to wipe away the water that was dripping into his eyes.

He thought about a steam dry, but then his body would cool down a bit to much from using his energy to make the fire/steam. It would naturally heat back up in time, but to cold really wasn't his thing. He left the water as it was on his body, since much of it with his body heat plus the sun, was already drying. No point in waisting energy in something so frivilous. He glanced around, and noticed a few more people around. It must have ment the others were beginning to show their faces, good, a bit of competition was good for the body and soul. He grabbed his shirt, pulling it on as he made his way up towards the main camp. He said hi to a few familiar faces along the way, but didn't stop to get to social. He delt with people when he needed to, but most of the time it was keep your eye on the prize, something his stepfather had constantly reminded him.

Life with no purpose was no life at all. Many would say being the child of a god was purpose, but they would be more then wrong. Having a god for a parent ment nothing in the world in all reality, other then a few things that was true. One had to find what they were on this earth for, what they were ment to do and strive for it, not giving up or in for anyone. If asked what his purpose was however, Luke couldn't really answer at the moment. Truth was he didn't really know. Being here, training, getting stronger, that was something....but other then that his life of meaning really wasn't all that meaningful. He hated sitting around doing nothing and waiting, and waiting now was edging on his nerves. There was little he could do at the moment, so the need to be patient was a key role in his life. One he needed to master, and had been working on indeed.

He shook these thoughts from his head, and made his way down the line to where he was staying. He wondered where some of the new people would place, though it would be very rare for them to really be anywhere in league with most of the others. It was a bit sad but that was how things worked around here, and he wasn't one to get in the way of that. He got into more appropriate clothes, and grabbed his lighter from his trunk. It was a family heirloom, and he rarely went anywhere without it. This time was no exception. It was time to see who else was around, and what information he could gain. Knowledge was power in many cases, and it never hurt to prepare oneself for what was ahead. He left the place, and headed back the way he had come, more slowly then before.

The newbies were begining to bore him, they were so easy to prey on. Their fears only made him stronger, but the high never lasted long. For many of his type, it was kind of like a drug. A lot of Phobos ofspring sought out fear and could not live without the high it gave. He did not want to end up like that, so he soon put some distance between him and other campers. He made his way into the trees, placing his hands in his pockets. He hummed slightly to himself, as soon as he figured he was far enough out of range of the camp. The lyrics were on the tip of his tongue, but he kept them at bay just in case. He didn't know how many were out here, and anyone who dared catch him singing or even humming would get a taste of what a son of Phobos could really do. A slight bit of anger bubbled up inside him, and he forced it down.

He noticed it more lately then usual, he was getting more angry and defensive. A small part of him was worried, he did not want to be consumed, but it was hard to resist. He paused to lean against a tree, and slowly slid down it to sit. He clenched his waw slightly, and closed his eyes. He pulled his hood more over his face, and wished he could be anywhere but there. Why couldn't it hae been night already. Ugh this was getting on his nerves! He picked up a rock, throwing it as far as he could before sighing. If anyone saw him at the moment, what would they thing? They would probrably whisper about him, feel sorry or scared of him. Some would probrably think he was acting like a child. Maybe they would be right, but right now, it didn't matter. He pulled his legs a bit closer, and stayed there where he sat.


Last edited by Kiyoto; 12-08-2012 at 07:41 AM..