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*crashing sound* oops... I dropped my brain...
Drakina is offline
Old 12-08-2012, 09:58 PM

Aborenth turned in his flight, heading towards the ruins when another dragon suddenly appeared through the portal. They were no longer alone! ~Greetings!~ The brown called out to the smaller green, changing course again to get closer to them.

"Oh, well, that's a relief, I think," A'den said, brushing his hair out of his face again. "Maybe we know them, that would be great."

~They are unfamiliar to me. Calm down.~ Aborenth looked back at his rider again, eyes less grey than before. He suddenly looked down, though, movement where the person was standing catching his eye. A'den followed his gaze, in time to see the stairs appear and someone climb up them. That was strange enough, but the suddenness of her voice in their ears was almost too much.

"Shards and Shells, I don't think we're on Pern anymore!" A'den shouted, eyes widening.