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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 12:08 AM

Ty grit his teeth and reached again for the magazine, moving forward to take it from him forcefully "No, no one does!" He didn't even realize his words lost their rumble with his nervousness, what Chance was offering his siblings was a window into that dark closet Ty kept tightly sealed especially from his siblings at camp. They could think of him as a perv for having a signed magazine of ill repute, but what was really there on the page made it much more dangerous to his reputation than that could ever be. Then it happened... Chance, keeping out of Ty's reach, read it all aloud to the roar of his brother's shock and amusement.

Wolf whistles sounded and Ty lost all of the color to his face. He didn't even hear them jeering behind him for several long moments before diving toward Chance "Damnit! Give that to me, Chance!". He was too slow, landing on the couch instead of on his target and sprung back up to chase him out of the cabin. In the back of his head he knew he'd never catch the other boy but for the moment Ty had tunnel vision. He needed to get that magazine, that was all that mattered.

They crashed through the trees, kicked up sand and crushed strawberries but the son of Hermes gaining ground. The entire chase Ty's eyes weren't the smoldering stones of a killer seeking his prey but rather they were wide, terrified that he would deposit the magazine somewhere someone important would catch hold of it... someone important. Finally when Ty banked to make a corner and ended up barreling right into Finx, Cat and Phoebe.

All hope of recovery was lost. The magazine remained in Chance's sticky fingers.