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Old 12-11-2012, 05:20 AM

Slynae shook her head slightly, what she had done was small enough to aid one of the Imperial children. Whatever her ambitions were, she was still loyal to her kingdom and thus, the family that ruled here. She ate her own portion in small, delicate bites, dark eyes flitting briefly to the steed outside then back to the Princess. "It is nothing, Mil."

She took the empty mug, placing that and her own next to the fire for washup later. Considering her question, she answered slowly, thinking it over. "I've heard rumors that your brother Adelros can be found in the forests, but where, exactly, is another matter. And I've heard that your eldest sister is south, running amok in the wildlands." She inclined her head in a non-committal manner. "These are the best of what I've heard, though vague they are."