Thread: Heart Upload
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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 12-12-2012, 09:19 PM

(you said grandfather not great grandfather.)

Christopher sneezed as dust clouded up around him. He slowly pulled himself to his feet. Even before his eyes started to adjust to the lights, he could sense that the room was very large. The first thing he did was feel along the wall until he found a switch. The room instantly flooded with light and he looked around. His eyes fell on a pretty girl laying as if sleeping on the floor. He let out a little scream and ran to her side to shake her shoulders.

"Eh, are you okay!!? No...wait, are you human?" he stopped to mutter as he felt her cold skin. Was this his grandfather's last experiment? The girl looked flawless as far as he could tell. What was he supposed to do with something he knew nothing about? For some reason, he couldn't stop himself from brushing the girl's hair back away from her face. In the processes of doing that though, he pressed something on the back of her neck that felt like a button. "ehhh...?"