Thread: Heart Upload
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Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lost that love, then to have never loved at all
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-12-2012, 09:28 PM

As the button was pressed on the back of Kitai's neck the hug computer screen behind the male came on and started to reboot. "Kit-2 rebooting... Kokoro still in effect... infected software" the computer announced as the girl slowly started to come to and moved a bit placing her hand on her head some as she sat up and her eyes looked quite dull for a few minutes before she looked at the male beside her. He wasn't her creator... so who was he? "Why? Why did you turn me back on?" she asked in almost a metalic voice that was slowly turning more human as her software was turning on more.