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Angelo is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 10:35 AM

Handing the cab driver a fist full of leaves that he thought was an extremely generous tip from a well-dressed rich girl, Beth sighed as she took in the view of the school. The woods had never, ever made her feel at home, and it was looking like their school was in the middle of such a forest. Great, she thought as she hefted the small bag over her shoulder and waved the cab driver on with a fake smile. He nodded and drove off to his next customer. The illusion that the pile of leaves was a stack of hundred dollar bills would soon fade away, but by then, he would have forgotten all about her.

A telepathic pulse revealed two things: first, that the forest was absolutely teeming with all manner of reprehensible creatures and second, that there were two people already ahead of her. Clearly she hadn't been the only one to think of getting to the school early, though in her case it was because she had nothing better to do. She walked down the path with an expressionless mask on her face, even with the creepy crawlies surrounding her just out sight.

Upon spotting the two people she had sensed earlier, she froze where she was standing and focused her mind. The one girl was obviously nervous, while the boy seemed at ease. The psychic shields that they had puzzled her though. No one she had met had ever had anything like it. Sure, people had natural defenses against her telepathy, but it had never been as strong as the two of them had by themselves. Was it because they were also psychic? Still, she was more worried that they had felt her callous touch. Having been surprised by the shields, she wasn't nearly as careful as she usually was.

"Uhmm... hello there?" she called out, though namely to get a feel for their reaction. Had they felt her touch? Would they have even recognized it if they had? "I'm a bit lost here. This is the Academy for the Psychically Gifted, right?"