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Momma to the Crazies!

llonka is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 01:34 PM

The worst Christmas gift I've ever gotten from school was a stupid candy bar. They had a ten dollar limit, so I picked out a barbie for somebody else to get (it was random drawing) and I really like the Barbie and cried because I had to give her away. My mom was like oh it will be okay, you'll get something nice in return. And what did I get? A dumb chocolate bar. I this year is gonna top that candy bar though, I'm gonna get a new toilet. Our youngest son flushed a car down and it got stuck. So hubby got the bright idea of taking the toilet off and trying to find it. Well he broke the darn tank and now instead of buying me my gifts today (he always waits until the 24th for some stupid reason) he has to spend the money on a new toilet. Needless to say I'm pretty disappointed, but I can't say anything because he'll just get upset.