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Angelo is offline
Old 12-26-2012, 02:19 AM

Nodding along as Ferdi explained the school's system, Beth thought that it more or less matched up with what she had expected. The teachers were probably a lot harder to manipulate than the ones as the school she had gone to previously. That meant that getting into fights probably wasn't going to be a good idea. Not that she actively sought them out. They simply... happened. Usually because people never learned to leave her alone about her height.

Frowning slightly, she was only vaguely paying attention to what was going on around her, lost in her thoughts as she was. She did, however, pick up enough to figure out that they had bothered someone they shouldn't have. It also seemed that whomever the mystery person was, they were a student named Ryuzkai Nightingale. But that all mattered little to Beth. She had already felt the presence, analyzed it, and dismissed it without ever actually touching his mind.

With a simple nod and a wave, Beth let Arvil go to her dorm, though the thought of sleep was very tempting. Loath as she was to admit it, her body did require more sleep than a normal person of her age. Having memorized her room number, she wasted no time in heading towards it after sufficient time had passed for Arvil to get to her own dorm, though her reason for waiting so long was to get a feel for the school telepathically.

A few moments later, she stood inside her dorm, throwing her backpack to the floor rather carelessly and locking the door. Number twelve. In numerology, it was a good number, so she had that going for her she supposed. And the room was rather well-furnished, though she was already beginning to miss the luxuries she had "collected" in the abandoned building she lived at. All she had thought to bring that wouldn't draw undue attention were some of her clothes, all of them appearing ratty in some way or the other. She tended to wear clothes until they were falling apart on her. Not growing meant that she didn't need new clothes all that often after all.

Yawning, she swapped her clothes out for her silk nightgown, leaving her clothes on the black carpet where they landed. The pastel pink coloring and the frills and ruffles made her feel that it was a bit childish, but it was incredibly comfortable. Besides that, it wasn't like anyone was going to see her or anything, so it was okay in her book. Thankfully, the bed had a blanket, sheets, and a pillow, though noticeably smaller than the one she had. She sighed and crawled into bed, the cotton and fleece of the purple comforter weighing on her in a surprisingly comfortable way. Maybe it won't be so bad after all, she thought before darkness carried her away.