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Angelo is offline
Old 12-28-2012, 08:17 PM

Groaning at the residual pain from the migraine the night before, Beth sat up in her bed, confused for a moment as to where she was. Then it clicked that she was at the Academy and she gave a huff as she went about getting ready for the day. After a warm shower, an aspirin, and a mug of peppermint tea, she was more or less ready for the day. Her clothes were typical; her dark blue t-shirt, loose black cargo pants, and her black and red Osiris shoes.

After she left her room and making certain that she wouldn't be seen, she peeked her head into Avril's room. Seeing that the latter wasn't in there gave her a feeling of relief, though she was careful not to let it show as she closed the door and left. Her involuntary scanning revealed that there were at least two new students that had arrived since yesterday, which she reacted to with mixed feelings. Part of her enjoyed the company of other people, but the other part rejected such company, and that was the part that usually won out, which resulted in her gruff and abrasive demeanor.

Shaking her head of the thoughts, she proceeded to wander in the general direction of what she remembered to be the library. As she wandered through the boys' dormitory, which was between the girls' dormitory and the library, she caught onto a mind that was scanning the area. Curiosity peaked, she threw up a shadow to conceal herself and gently probed it. Unlike the night before, she was far more careful and made sure that her touch was impossible to feel, though that meant that it was just a light grazing to see the psychic signature. It was strangely familiar, though it wasn't someone that she thought she knew. Taking a deep breath, she pushed a little more and asked, "Who are you?" He, for she could tell that much after her gentle push, should have felt it, though it was impossible to tell until he answered her.