Thread: I'm still sorry
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bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 12-31-2012, 05:55 AM

I know I've apologised once already, but thing's have only got worse for me since then and I'm able to do even less now, so I feel I have to say it again.

For me, this event is a shambles because I'm finding it close to physically impossible to do my part of things. Life sure picks the worst possible times to throw shit at you, doesn't it?

So I just want to say sorry for the EIs coming out so late in the day, and for letting people down by not being able to run many rounds of my game. My doctor's should be open tomorrow, so I shall spend all day on the phone; trying to get through so I can make an appointment, and start the journey towards finding out wtf is wrong with me T_T

In the meantime, bear with me and please make allowances for the fact that I'm about 50 times slower than I usually am with doing anything at all

Thank you