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Old 01-13-2013, 03:35 AM


Name: Hikari

Username: Gemini

Status: Angel

Appears to be age: 18

Bio: Hikari is not,and was never,an Archangel,but she does have an important job.She is a warrior angel,charged with the task of battling darkness on earth.Before the fall,Hikari was the female equivalent of Lucifer,being the angel of light,hence her name.Throughout history,humans have known Hikari by many different names,some of the most notable being Selene,the Greek goddess of the moon,and Lady Joan of Arc.



Name: Alistair Clement

Username: hephaestus

Status: Angel

Age/Apearence: 23

Bio: There's not much to Alistair, most of his background is kept cooped up in his mind. He doesn't share with anyone, not after his best friend was taken away from him. He's always been quiet, gentle, well-knowing of his angel side. Hiding it from everyone and anyone he can. Not because he'd be punished for telling, but because he's always wanted to be normal. Just for once, he's longed to be that normal-looking guy, with acne and braces.




]Name: Dimetri Vladimir Romanov

Username: Gothika_Knight

Status: Angel

Age/Apearence: 20

Bio: Dimetri Vladimir Romanov is the Fourth Archangel who protects the humans from harm.He taught to respect women and be kind-hearted to all. As the years went by, he flew through the ranks of the angel guard until Archangel Michael granted him the position of the fourth ArchAngel to replace the former four ArchAngel, who seem to have disappeared.



Name: Mirabella Gertia

Username: Gothika_Knight

Status: Angel

Age/Apearence: 18

Bio: Mirabella Gertia is one of the most powerful angels in Heaven, since she is the ArchAngel of Light and has been an Arch for a while now. She is kind for someone who is very powerful and loves to be around other people. She does wear a rosary around her neck which helps her detect any fallen angels need her that may be a threat.



(not accepting anymore female Fallen! Sorry!)

Name: Azrael

Username: elizabeth_mazur

Status: Fallen

Apearence: 23

Bio: Azrael was the Archangel of Death. He sided with Lucifer at the time of The Fall, and figured it was better than staying with the Throne who forced him to watch over the humans. Azrael looks at humans as a lower race. They are of little to no use and only know destruction. Azrael has been good friends with Avril for as long as he could remember. When the Throne was away concerning itself with the humans, Avril and Azrael would sneak away and create mischif, toying with the humans. When Azrael fell he followed Lucifer to his kingdom and served as his right hand. Eventually, Azrael grew tired of the restrictions Lucifer placed uppon him. He rebbeled against him and left Lucifer's side. Azrael now resides in the human world, causing havoc wherever he goes. Being the Arch Angel of Death he enjoys watching humans pass. Having no real home, Azrael sleeps in cemetaries as she journeys along, looking for his best friend Avril.



Name: Avril

Username: elizabeth_mazur

Status: Fallen

Apearence: 21

Bio: Avril was the Arch Angel of love and fertility. The day the Throne and Lucifer made all the Angels choose who they would side with was the darkest she had ever seen. Avril hadn't even gotten a chance to voice her choice before she was more thrown out of heaven. Onec a cheerful and slightly mischivous Angel, Avril is now far more reserved. The Fall had changed and hardend her soal. After the fall she was seperated from her best friend, Azrael. She spent the first few milenia seaching for him, discuised as a human. Avril has always failed and along the way made quite an impression on humans such as Edgar Allen Poe and Bach. As hard as Avril trys she cant seem to stay out of trouble, whether it be her almost exposing herself, or simply causing a small war here and there. After searching for about three milenias, Avril gave up looking for Azrael and has since lived her life as a human. Avril keeps her wings sheithed within her body and rarely lets them out. She has not seen another Angel or Fallen since the fall.



Name:Finx Sunfara


Status: Fallen

Appears to be age: 20

Bio: Finx is a fallen one of the many who sided with Samuel now know as Lucifer. Of course at the time it seemed like he was right and that there Father God was so in love with man that he wanted angels to bow to human. Finx doesn't regret her decision just wished things had gone diffrently whats was done is done ans theres no help for it.



Name: Aria

Username: Gemini

Status: Fallen?

Appears to be age: 17

Bio: Aria did not choose to fall.She was taken by default,because she refused to choose a side.Once a minor angel,Aria now wanders earth,interacting with humans under different names..One particular incident known as the Trojan war caused her wings to change from white to red.Though she didn't mean for it to happen,two men fought over her,during a time when she was going by the name of Helen-better known as Helen of Troy.The whole thing horrified her,and she hid for a long time after,saddened by the change in her wings.Though she is not truly fallen,her red wings mark her as an outcast from either side.((so basically she's suspended from heaven))



Name: Dremnior Valkyn

Username: Antagonist

Status: Fallen

Age/Apearence: N/A

Bio: Dremnior was an Archangel, though his chaotic nature did not allow him a particular aspect to govern over, as was the case with Azrael who governed over Death or Avril who governed over Love and Fertility, though he was often associated with Life, or that who controls the length of.
He didn't care for the humans. In fact, he didn't care much for anything or anyone at all. When asked to choose a side, he chose the one that would give him the least restrictions, and that side happened to be with the Fallen. The only thing that mattered to him was his own amusement, even if it came at the expense of others.
He was among one of the few who never appeared in a human form of any type, preferring to use forms considered alien and monstrous to others. His current form of amusement was to appear before troubled humans and make them offers, naming prices and prizes that he knew the humans would be hard pressed to turn down from at the time of the moment, but would later come to sorely regret.



Name: Marcus

Username: dragonjake

Status: Fallen

Age/Apearence: Appears to be 21

Bio: Although he is a Fallen angel, Marcus did not choose to be, he accidently gave into temptaion and did something bad which caused him to be cast down from heaven. Though he did a bad thing, he has learnt from his mistake and chooses to do as many good deeds as he can in hope to be welcomed back to heaven, though he has the bad feeling that he will never manage to go back. On top of the probablem of being cast from heaven, Marcus is slowly beginning to loose his mind and is unsure how much longer he has before he gives into the dark side. Marcus currently lives in hiding and tries to avoid seeing humans, he also is attempting to find Angels that he can befriend to avoid turning evil.



Name:Annabella Archer

Username: finx15


Age: 18

Bio: Anna lives with her mother in a small town in a even smaller house. She has no idea who her father was and her mom has yet to tell her thats she part angel. As she nears her ninteenth birthday she can feel a change coming over her.



Name: Olive Lefahn

Username: hephaestus

Status: Nephilim

Age/Apearence: 17

Bio: Olive grew up as the 'cute little girl' in the neighborhood. Everyone wanted to be friends with her, but she often found herself staring at the bright blue skies, wondering what was beyond. In a fatal accident, both her mother and father were killed, and despite the branch through her chest, Olive survived. For years, she tried her hardest to figure out why she survived, why her parents didn't. When she tried talking to people, they either refused to reply, or just simply changed the subject. She still doesn't know anything.




Name: Thomias Keene

Username: JediMercJeff

Status: Nephilim

Age: 19 years of age

Bio: Thomias always knew he straddled between two worlds. He seemed destined to be a loner, but was always drawn to those in trouble or distress. He had an almost inhuman knack to problem-solve, or lend support to those in need... But at the same time, he always felt... Different. The snowy-greyish hair that had always been there, and the brown eyes that were almost a deep, dark red never helped matters much. But now, as he was coming of age, he was starting to feel like he was much more different than he realized. If he could only figure out how...


Last edited by beautiful_psycho; 01-22-2013 at 02:11 AM..