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AzuraX is offline
Old 01-18-2013, 04:37 AM

Rin looked at him very coldly, glaring at him. Her hands clutched her chair tightly. She felt hate rise within her body. How could he go and say something like making her a cake? Had he not heard at word? She was so angry she left her throne chair and walked up to him, slapping him with her black gloved right hand. "How dare you speak of celebration! Are you deaf? I am going to visit my families tomb because it will be the anniversary of his death... How could I possibly rejoice in such a day? I curse the day of my birth. Do not speak of it to me again. It isn't the same without Len... But some useless peasant like you could never understand my pain." With these bitter words she stormed out to the garden, seeing how he had perfectly done the garden over. Before she knew it salty tears rolled off her face and many of them hit the dirt without a sound.