Thread: Fallen
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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-18-2013, 07:42 PM

Finx sat on the ledge of a building and watched the people wake around below her and sighed. "people are annoying." she said to herself and jumped from her seat and landed on the sidewalk without being noticed. She walked down the sidewalk and towards her small house. She frowned as she walked noticing that she had gone further then she had meant to and had walked right out of town. "Great." she mumbled to her self.

Anna unlocked the door to her moms flower shop feeling tired and bored. She had been watching over her moms shop since her mom had gotten a cold. It was really fun for a couple days but now she was bored of making banquets of flowers and smelling flowers all day long. "Good morning flowers." she said knowing flowers liked positive talk.