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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-22-2013, 07:26 AM

Naer urged his mount to run faster with gentle words in elvish. He didn't know if the horse could understand the words, but it seemed to pick up on his meaning. Minutes pass as the scenery did until finally Gisa was within sight, a few more minutes and his horse was next to hers. When he got to her, he still held himself aloft, as any proud prince would. His eyes on her. Slowly though his shoulders slumped and once more he held himself as if he were defeated. His heart ached and he truly felt like crying, but Naer had been in thought during the ride to Gisa and he had come to a very clear conclusion.

Naer had been jealous when Ark kissed Gisa, and it had been more jealousy than anything else that had propelled him to hit the dark elf. He leaned forward on his horse, wrapping his arms around the equine's neck as he hid his face in the steed's mane. He inhaled deeply and sighed softly, still gripping that small jar of salve in his left hand. "Gisa, I don't like it when you push me away." He mumbled the words softly into the horse hair, not even sure if Gisa heard him and at the moment not really caring if she had.

Last edited by Kry; 01-22-2013 at 07:28 AM..