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(。´∀`)/ Pets your head~

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 01-31-2013, 03:27 AM

It took Liza all her will power to not sink to the ground as her mind willed her too. Colaria was...dead?! Her mouth fell open, her hood face seemed grimmer than it usually was. Liza gave a small shake of her head as the tears announced themselves swiftly into her eyes, it would look odd for a man to cry so Liza held it in. Something was not right, she knew the couple loved each other. She had never seen Collin as such a man, he could not be a murder....could he?

Liza bowed her head even lower to the King, she had heard the trace of anger that ran through his voice. She was thankful for his mercifulness today, usually one would not get away with such insolence. Liza had a feeling she knew as to why she was let go, it was because the King needed her for this execution, it was true that she could be replaced but not this easily. People usually weren't too enthusiastic about landing a job as an executioner.

"If I shall be excused now Mi'lord, I should go break the news to the baker" her soft voice giving away nothing as to the turmoil she felt inside. It was a tradition, an unspoken rule that the executioner broke the news to the poor lad that was to be beheaded. Unless, of course the King wanted to tell the accused himself. The King had not mentioned it so bowing deeply once more Liza walked towards the great oak doors of the audience chamber to escape from it.

Liza felt like she could not breathe in this castle, she felt as if she was suffocating. How was she to take the life of a man who had been so kind to her family?! Walking outside in a hurry Liza almost bumped into a small figure. The small figure matched her own, she bowed her head slightly. "Good day" she said quickly.

With out a moment to spare she turned on her heels and headed straight towards the dungeon. Liza had already been down there many a times, she felt as if she could go down there blindfolded if she were forced too. The stair way was narrow and the passage way was barely enough for two to walk side by side. It was dingy and dark, the only illumination coming from the occasional flaming torch that was placed on the wall.

Liza sighed as she approached the door of the dungeon, the path seeming longer than the minute or two down. What was she to say to Collin? Liza had never needed to rehearse this before, usually it just came to her. She had no emotions when telling the accused that they were suppose to be executed, but somehow..this time it just didn't feel right. There was an uneasy knot in her stomach, and she had no clue what it could have possibly meant.