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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 02-11-2013, 11:49 PM

To make it futuristic (or "scyfy") you can always add in advance technologies and the fact that it is based in the future. Like a parallel universe. Have the armour called Bio-Armour or something, have the swords and weapons used advanced lasers or guns. You can really have fun with that sort of thing.

---------- Post added 02-11-2013 at 11:53 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Donut View Post
i like that, the whole thing really.. i cant think like that lol thanks a lot
No problem. I can tell you that drawing inspiration from different sources and combining them is what helps me with my ideas. Find a type of character you love to play and add something different to them every time you enter a new role play. It's a good way to start character building.

Watch movies, anime, etc Read books, manga, comics etc Listen to music... It all helps get ideas flowing. You can use those I suggested or you can take bare elements and turn them into something you would like more. It's rather easy once you get your creative juices running.