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I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 02-12-2013, 10:29 PM

Knerd will release a new word game every day.
Each game will have three different levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium and Hard.

Just try to solve as many puzzles as you can!

When you think that you've completed a puzzle (with 100% correct answers), then PM it to Knerd. She'll look it over and keep you in mind for prizes. ;)

But be careful - Once you PM a puzzle to Knerd, you can't take it back or fix it! Make sure you're completely certain that it's been solved correctly and completely.

The rules here are pretty simple:

- Do not post any of the answers anywhere. Posting answers within this thread, on any Menewsha forums, within PMs, etc will get you barred from this contest.

- Do not cheat by sharing answers or hints with other users. That just wouldn't be fair, now would it? If you are caught sharing answers before the contest is over, you will be barred from receiving any prizes.

- Be a good sport. Some of these puzzles will be incredibly easy while others will be mind numbingly hard. Please don't taunt others who are having difficulties or have gotten stuck, otherwise karma may just come around to bite you!

- Follow all of Menewsha's Rules and TOS.