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Lady Vengeance
ClareBear. <3
Lady Vengeance is offline
Old 02-13-2013, 12:48 AM

Name: Hannah Marie Deluca
Age: 18

"Don't worry about it, I have it covered," Hannah spoke to her fellow ASB worker with excitement as she finished up the first poster she had to make. The girl laid flat on her stomach, painting the next poster for the Valentine's Dance that was coming up later this week. Humming to herself quietly, the girl thought of all the new students that were supposedly enrolled in this high school. How exciting. Hannah thought, not very excited. Her family was rich, and because of that she had to keep her family name strong from joining ASB, multiple clubs, getting straight A's, and taking Advanced Placement courses. Honestly, Hannah had no clue how she had so much time on her hands, but she ignored that as she heard the bell rang. I'm going to be late again. Hannah sighed, picking up everything and putting them back in their place. Now she had to make posters, do her homework, attend club meetings that she was President of, and go to the store after school to buy streamers and balloons for the upcoming dance. Jeez, she hated this job.

As Hannah grabbed her things, she quickly jogged over to her Biology class. She hated science and didn't get it one bit which was why she wasn't very advanced at that. The girl cleared her throat before turning the door knob and entering the room. Mrs. Conners tapped her heel and shook her head, erasing the absent mark from her call sheet and marking it as a 'T' for tardy, "Hannah, I've expected more from you," The woman spoke out then returned to her lecture. That's all everyone expects from me. More, more, more! Hannah tried to hide how irritated she was by smiling at her classmates and waving, "Hey, nice to see you again," she mouthed over in a mere whisper to a few friends of hers as she scanned the area for any open seat available. She spotted one, but wasn't very sure of who the female was in the seat diagonal next to her. Hannah set her things down on the desk, her crystal blue eyes scanning over the raven haired female, "Mind if I sit here?" The strawberry blonde asked, more of a rhetorical question really.

"That's Nic." Another female stated from across the room, sending the whole room in giggles. Hannah raised one of her done eyebrows, not really knowing what that meant. With a shrug, she sat in her desk, figuring it was one of the new girls that had just been enrolled. Nic, huh? Hannah thought to herself, running her fingers through her hair to take out any tangles as she crossed her legs and opened her notebook to take notes. It was the least she could do to try and learn this shit, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Nic," Hannah whispered over with a small smile, nothing more and nothing less. She was the ASB President after all and from the looks of it, Nic's classmates weren't very impressed by her presence.