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bridge7112 is offline
Old 02-14-2013, 09:06 PM

Matthew closed the door when asked and smiled. "Oh and I never asked your name! What is it?"

"Yao aru." he said softly, standing up to somewhat redeem himself. He began scolding himself in Chinese. "You just had to have a meltdown didn't you, great now everyone thinks you're some kind of crying begging pushover." He spoke rapidly in hope that the teacher wouldn't be able to understand him. "Well no more! You will be a good servant aru! You will be strong and dignified and listen to what your master tells you." He put on a determined face, which Matthew smiled at.

"Someone looks eager to work." he said smiling. "Zhat's good, I could always use a little 'elp around 'ere." he aid, sounding like he was skipping the h's. "It's be nice to 'ave someone to speak with. He gently brushed his curl a little bit, making sure it was just so before smiling at Yao. "So your name is Yao Aru?"

Yao shook his head. "Yao." after a few seconds "Aru." He scolded himself for having such an embarrassing habit, this was worse than he love of stuffed animals.

"You, you 'ave a speech impediment, oui?" he asked smiling. "It's alright, but you're going to have to learn to stop that when you are speaking with zhe King and Queen." He shuddered heavily. "You may think it is zhe king you 'ave to worry about, oh non, it is the Queen. She likes inventing new ways to torture us servants. Just stay out of her way and you'll be fine." he said with a nod, still keeping the smile on his face. "But you'll probably rarely see 'er since you are monsieur Alexander's personal slave." Yao twitched at being called a slave, but sighed and relaxed knowing he'd have to get used to that.

"Oh right, I came in to tell you 'is room is prepared." he said with a nod. "So if you'd like me to escort him to it I would be more than 'apply to." he blinked, and suddenly curiosity hit him. "Uhm will 'e be eating with us, or do you have something special planned for him monsieur?" he asked. "'e looks really thin, would you like me to get him something from the servants quarters? I can probably get 'im his dinner ration served early, unless you'd like me to get something from zhe kitchen or make him wait?"