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Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 05:02 AM

Sophie watched as the boat got closer and closer to the island. It had been a while since she'd been on a vacation, and it was her very first vacation alone. She was apprehensive. It was only a temporary escape, but she hoped that it would be enough. Sophie ran her fingers over the scar on her forehead one last time. "This is a good idea." She thought to herself. "A little escape from the drama is always a good idea."

When the boat docked, Sophie was simply amazed. The island was beautiful. She smiled truly, giggling as she practically leaped down the ramp.

On the beach adjacent to the ramp, Sophie noticed a young woman, or a woman who appeared to be rather young. She wasn't quite sure which it was. Either way, she seemed to be the only person around. Sophie wondered if maybe she'd gotten her boat mixed up with another one. After all, it'd happened before.

"Excuse me," Sophie said, shifting her leather shoulder-bag, "This is Fantasy Island, right?"