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Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 06:01 AM

((Okay, good night~! :) ))

"Oh, I'm sorry about your father." Sophie's expression softened for a moment. She smiled a little, rubbing her arms awkwardly. "It is- it's the first vacation I've ever taken by myself. I'll actually be able to relax for the first time in a while." She laughed a little. Never in her nineteen years had she been carefree. She hoped she'd have that experience, even if just for a while. "Thank you."

She smiled widely at Nate. "The outside world can be beautiful, but it can be a bit scary, too. It's definitely a good idea to be stronger, but it's even better to be stronger right here." She pointed at her heart. "If you've got a strong heart, you can get through anything."

Without further ado, Sophie turned her attention to the performers. She loved cultural things- especially the ones she didn't know a whole lot about. She just focused on the dance and the music, letting everything else go.