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Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-18-2013, 04:11 AM

“They really are pretty.” Nate agreed. He spun around looking up at the trees to see if there were any other birds he could point out. Unfortunately none of the birds roosting in the trees could be seen at the moment. He looked back at Sophie. “Are there not many birds were you are from?”

The boy didn’t have to think about the question before he answered. “Well I like the peacocks because they are so colorful and the flamingos are cool, but my favorite is the Red Footed Booby. They are a silly looking bird if you ask me. Their beak is blue, their feathers are white and grey and their feet are blue.” Nate giggled as he pictured the birds in his head.