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Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.

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Old 02-23-2013, 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino View Post
They just lie through their teeth and when you try to do what they told you to do, they yell at you saying they said the opposite. They yell at employees in front of each other so that everyone can see what a bad job the person is doing. They say to email there concerns and problems and they will help out but never get back to you. They are very last minute. They make us work on projects to "better the school" extensively for a couple weeks and then we NEVER see them again..... so it was all pointless.... D:

Xuvvie will give you a step by step process - she is REALLY good at that.

I will give you some advice when the event is over :D *wants to concentrate on earning tokens right now* I'll start with the scrub top :D

Awww an insane asylum charity...what a fun name :D sounds crazy XD
That sounds awful. I would be looking for another job as well.

I hope she can help me then.

There is no rush, so take your time. I want to focus on the scrub top because it was one of the things Jelly liked.

It was a crazy place and of course I was the mad doctor that ran it, lol. The INSANE Asylum even had two little mascots named Damon and Mii they were little kids that lived within the asylum and caused all kinds of mischief. I miss roleplaying them, lol.