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Quercus Magus
Cain is offline
Old 02-25-2013, 06:08 AM

Well, it looks like we're stuck at the docks for a bit longer. *sigh* I thought a "cruise" implied that the boat would be moving, but the pirates ran off with Mr. Mayor and we haven't managed to get him back. And Tesel is still chasing after the pirate captain somewhere. I would have helped, but she asked me to watch the ship. Well, technically she said, "Mind the ship or go hide yourself in a tree if you're too scared, since I'm not coming to save you elf-boy."

I must admit, I'm getting impatient. I've played cards more times than I can count. I think Lise has been cheating, since despite the odds, I always loose whenever I pick the queen card. At least there's plenty of food, but it's all a bit too sweet for my tastes.

So how about you? How are you passing the extra time?