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Angels dont come better than those from the darkness They know both sides
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 02-28-2013, 03:38 PM

"I NEVER said i wanted a partner." Delicor said gritting her teeth. "I just said i've never had one."

"Oh come now deary, Isnt that a lie?" Arrow said sneering at her. "We were partners for a year. Your just no good at it." He said laughing and getting ready for her to fight him.

Anger was rising so high inside her. Her face was getting so red, she decided she was just going to leave them. He was right. She was terrible at having a partner. It was always better if she was alone. "No, you just got in the way." The girl turned around feeling hurt as she paused for a second. "I will take Ace as my partner then." With that, she jumped from the roof and pulled out a wire for her to attach to the top of the roof that connected to her harness. As soon as she touched the ground, she hit a button and it retracted.With that, she decided to head back to the building to head to bed. There was no reason for her to stay up at this point. These games were just going to get on her nerves.

Arrow looked watched as the girl jumped off the building. A crooked smile crossed his face as he looked over at his new partner. "Well then Luci. I know when something else is going on in the shadows. Why dont you want your partner? No assassin would just take on a different partner in a heart beat. Theres no chemistry there. What are you up to?" He said walking steadily and slowly closer to the male.