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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-01-2013, 02:26 AM

Riley fumbled with his keys. The dumpy, cramped apartment would at least be warmer than the air outside. By the looks of it he could probably manage a few hours sleep before heading over to the warehouse district to ask a few select questions...

What have I gotten myself into? He sighed and leaned his forehead against the door for a moment. His body was exhausted having run all over town the night before trying to track down a certain someone who was ducking Cain and the Clan. He had found the guy, sure, but what time was that? 4:17, 5:53? Riley wretched open the door and stepped inside, losing his shoes quickly on his way to his room. No, wait... The black-haired boy returned to the door and put the other locks in place. ...I'm going to end up dead, that's what's going to happen.

Solemnly Riley turned around and drug himself into his bedroom. This was what life was like right now... late hours, paranoia, death looming like a shadow after every thought. It paid the bills, though. That was good. He considered the room and hallway with a disenchanted frown. Yes, he did manage to always stay on top of the rent for his crappy, little apartment. At least that was something. His fingers raked through his hair as he let himself drop backwards onto his bed. As smooth as he felt he was, it was miscalculated and ended with a hard knock on his head. "Son of a--mmmh!!"

He cradled it for a moment before sitting up and pulling off his scarf, his jacket... Oh to Hell with it, I'm sleeping in my clothes. He was certain he'd bust more than his head if he tried getting out of his pants at this hour.

Hours passed while Riley tossed and turned in an uncomfortable sleep. It was almost a relief when he woke up, though the dreams passed so quickly from his mind he hadn't an honest clue why. Sleep was suppose to be his escape from this world he had burrowed into, thanks to some unfortunate choices and quick negotiations earlier in life. With a groan he sat up and checked himself in the dusty mirror across the room. Back on went the jacket, the scarf and then it was out the door with Riley.

The warehouse trip was as quick as it had promised itself to be. Yeah, the goods had made it successfully to their destination. Jack would be glad to hear it, probably. What was concerning was the need for the other group to gently remind Riley that they had guns. Why the hell did I go without someone? Such an idiot... Well it was over-- if they weren't following him, that is-- and he'd just run on back to "the Nest" before he could treat himself to a 3 PM breakfast.

Two taps came at the door of "the Nest", followed by another after a pregnant pause. It was his particular knock the Flock would recognize, or at least he hoped. ...No it's only been a week since I last visited. They wouldn't forget me in a week... right? ...Jesus.

Last edited by Mythos; 03-03-2013 at 12:21 AM..