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Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 03-01-2013, 07:52 PM

Character Information:



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Name: Chiairen
Age: 16
Height: 5'9"
Build: average, please no humongous anime boobs
Personality: quiet, shy, caring
Character Blurb: Chi is a soft spoken girl, often lonely. She carries a soft smile wherever she goes. When with her friends, she is happiest. She is a healer, and when using her magic, carries an aura around her body that matches the color of her eyes. She is trustworthy, loyal, and fierce to protect those she loves.

Chi's closest friends are Sagando and Shuuji.

Her love interest is Tsukimei, and they don't always get along. They are tied together via a pact they made as children to carry on his family's link to the deity Destruction.


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Name: Shuuji
Age: 17
Height: 6'0"
Build: toned, lean, "strong"
Personality: happy, mischievous, and highly conceited depending on the situation
Character Blurb: Shuuji grew up in a tight-knit neutral clan of (very slight) demonic origin. He likes to not talk about it, and is trying to branch away from it as he grows older. He is extremely guarded around strangers, and even in the midst of panic, often carries a poker face to conceal what he's really thinking. If and when he breaks down, it's always during the aftermath of an event.

He lives and breathes with the elements, calling upon them to aid in battle, transport, and protection. He doesn't consider his work magic, but rather "borrowing" from his surroundings. He links most favorably to the element earth, with wind being a close second.

Shuuji is a gentleman, most days. He happily admits he's a "Mama's Boy" and would proudly scream it from the rooftops. He takes pride the manners he was taught by his mother Sarah, and yet will hold great bravado if his actions are questioned. He would fight to the death for those he loves.

His younger brother is Yuuhi, who he holds close under his wing. His mother is Sarah, whom he adores, and his father is Lance, and... well, let's not go there. They never see eye to eye.

His best friend is Chi, and though he's unlikely to admit it a lot, he loves her. Deeply. She's his utter weakness.


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Name: Arien
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Build: average
Personality: extremely mischievous, humorous, selfish, self-absorbed
Character Blurb: Arien likes trouble. Well, okay, he doesn’t necessarily like trouble, but he seems to get into a lot of it. With mischief as his rightful middle name, Arien somehow manages to get away with it. You can see his trouble-making all over his face, which is handsome and suave. Somehow, he makes the oversized glasses look attractive rather than geeky. Arien is closed to most people, but he has a good heart if you can get in. Though his morals are questionable, his loyalty runs deep. He has commitment issues, but hey, we can't all be perfect. Arien is a talented musician who works whatever side jobs he can to survive. He is fiercely independent and has issues relying on anyone, except maybe Shuuji, Yuuhi, and Dri.

Arien's best friends are Shuuji, Yuuhi, and Dri (coming soon). He may or may not have a love interest with Sagando.


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Name: Yuuhi
Age: 15
Height: 5'7"
Build: thin, "frail", pale
Personality: quiet, sarcastic, and mischievous as well
Character Blurb: Yuuhi is Shuuji's younger brother. Born into a tightly knit family clan with (very subtle) demonic lineage that prides itself on neutrality, Yuuhi was always branded the "frail" child. Being trained to work with the elements like his older brother, it was determined that, though frail, Yuuhi holds high potential for the clan. As such, he tends to train a lot, though sometimes he might not like it.

Though difficult to sometimes openly see, he holds a mischievous streak. He is often quiet and observant, careful to let anyone in too close. While he's not one to solely sit on the side lines, he doesn't often jump into the middle of action without first thinking it through.

His best friends are Arien and his older brother, Shuuji. He loves them both more than anything else in the world.


Additional References: None
Name: Sarah
Age: 35
Height: 5'1"
Build: thin, frail, pale
Personality: motherly
Character Blurb: Sarah is the glue that holds our characters together. Through any crisis, she is there, offering what words of comfort she can. She spends her days tending to her herbs, making salves, tinctures, and teas for sale. She loves her family more than anything. She loves all of her children, regardless of blood ties. This puts tension between Lance and her, for clan rules state that only the bloodlines know of the clan and its inner workings.

She likes to cause a bit of passive-aggressive trouble from time to time.


Additional References: None
Name: Lance
Age: 44
Height: 6'3"
Build: muscular, strong
Personality: gruff, sarcastic, and frightening (to those who don't know him)
Character Blurb: Lance is Sarah's husband, and the father of Shuuji and Yuuhi. He is a harsh disciplinarian, but believes in his clan's work and the ideals set forth from it. He loves his family, though sometimes he's not apt to show it in the most kindest of ways. Try as he might, he cannot for the life of him connect with Shuuji, and finds it much easier to spend time and teach Yuuhi his traditions and overall experiences in life.


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Name: Tsukimei
Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Build: muscular, toned
Personality: rude, at times crude, loyal, humorous
Character Blurb: Tsukimei does enjoy causing trouble. He’s a shit-starter and a fighter to his core. It only makes sense that he would pick fights, especially with someone he cares about, right? No, wait, maybe that doesn’t make sense… Tsu doesn’t always know what he wants; in fact, he’s usually clueless. This makes him feel insecure, and he covers that up by acting like an asshole. He’s built his walls so high and so thick, a wrecking ball couldn’t get through the first time, even at top speed. He might be the one to dent the wrecking ball, actually.

When he does express himself, it’s usually in a fiery, passionate rage. Even his love is expressed with rage. His brows seem to be in a permanent scowl position, except maaaaaybe when he’s asleep. Tsu is in love with Chi, but he’s afraid to admit it to himself. He has a fear of losing her if he says it out loud, though he’s not sure how it would happen. He believes himself to be crazy because of hearing “voices” in his head, when really it’s only the voice of the deity Destruction, who has taken residence in his soul since his childhood.


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Name: Sagando
Age: 14
Height: 4'9"
Build: tiny, pale
Personality: musical, shy, gentle, kind, loving
Character Blurb: Sagando is shy and quiet and mostly keeps to himself. He can work with people, but given the option, he would rather be alone. The exception is with his friends. It’s hard to break his friendship once you have it; he doesn’t have very many friends and isn’t quick to trust, so once he does, you’re kind of stuck with him. He’s overly polite, but he’ll be catty with you if he knows you. Happiest when baking, cooking, or cleaning, the boy is also a bard, his instrument of choice the lyre. When not baking, he spends his time making herbal remedies or whipping out some healing magic. His aura and magic are gold, and the color overtakes his eyes when he’s using either. A son of Apollo, his skin is pale like marble. He’s tiny for his age, looking younger than he is.

Sagando's best friend is Chi. He may or may not have a love interest with Arien. They were childhood friends, and due to Sagando's tie with the gods, were parted for a few years. He loved the boy he knew, and now he's not sure he's in love with the one he knows now.

Last edited by Chi; 02-01-2014 at 02:25 AM..