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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-04-2013, 08:05 PM

Jack sighed heavily, his daughter was going to be the death of him. He really hoped that boy had enough sense in him to keep away from her, for his own sake. Leaning back in his chair he tried to hear the bird out, it was like listening to nonsensical chatter sometimes, the way he jumped from topic to topic at lightning fast speeds. As a bird it made perfect sense but to human ears it was fast.

“Pre'ach'an, slow down. Can you at least stop the hopping so I can follow the head tilts better?” Rubbing the bridge of his nose he could feel a headache coming on, “The llama girl? Oh right, Pasta Spaghetti or something like that. Well I'll see her after this, can't have her snooping for no reason now can we. Thank you.” He pushed papers around on his desk, at closer inspection there were some files on a new drug coming out on the market, police reports, personal files, and a drafted will. They were quickly sorted and stacked together before any details could be gleaned from them. It was clear the Flock father had a lot on his plate as usual and with his aging things weren't coming any easier.