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spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 03-04-2013, 09:42 PM

Smoothly strolling into the Black Cat Cafe, Sai caught the eye of a pretty, young mortal woman sitting near the entrance with her boyfriend, and gave her a wink. The girl looked flustered for a moment, and then ignored Sai as he brushed past the table where she was seated with her significant other. The other mortal women and girls turned their attention to the devilishly handsome young man dressed in a preppy outfit consisting of a navy blue sweater over a button-up shirt, along with jeans and brown boots. They watched him and eyed his fine features while they thought his attention was elsewhere, and then turned their gazes away whenever he looked in their direction. Quickly scanning the room a couple of times, he noticed that Madam Sauda was sitting near the back of the cafe and tried his best to hide himself behind a tall plant and avoid her gaze. The old hag, as Sai liked to call her behind her back, was all about being responsible, respectful, blah, blah, blah, whatever. She obviously felt that Cain was the best choice for Don, and disliked Sai for his little tricks and just his general disrespect towards elders.

As much as Sai disliked the old woman, he was still starving, and a nice slice of cake sounded really good just about now. Stepping out of his hiding spot from behind the tree, Sai covered his face with a sheet of paper advertising the Black Cat Cafe that was taped to the wall, and slinked his way across the room to reach an empty seat for two. The waiter came over and after seeing Sai's face, turned around, and came back a few moments later with five different cakes balanced carefully on a plate. The waiter was quite familiar with Sai. On the first day that the waiter came to work, he had witnessed Sai devour six whole cakes on his own, and even then the young man wanted to eat more. He had quite a ravenous appetite and never seemed to be satisfied, no matter how much he ate. The water had always wondered why Sai wasn't obese or even slightly chubby. Perhaps it was his metabolism. Looking up from his little snack, Sai winked at another girl who was caught in the act of staring at his flawless features. He gave her a little smile, and mouthed out his phone number to her while making the telephone gesture with his right hand. As she blushed and looked away, Sai grinned to himself. Now, if only he knew where Cain was so he could get a mission or, well, do something instead of sitting around and messing with mortals, as fun as it was.

Last edited by Q U E E N; 03-05-2013 at 12:31 AM..