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Old 03-15-2013, 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mythos View Post

Character Name: Miss Lydia Ivy
Hero Persona: "White Lady"
Physical Description: Lydia is a little shorter than average with hazel eyes and blonde hair that is generally tied back in a neat bun for the classes she teaches. Her hands are often covered in chalk dust, as are her dresses. Generally for school days she wears a grey or black dress, but she does keep a little something fine for Sunday services.
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: She strives to be pleasant and uplifting, through privately Lydia has some real confidence issues to sort out.
Quirks: Tats (makes lace) almost exclusively when she angry or upset
Powers (2): Pass through solid matter, become invisible (by temporarily traveling through spirit world)
Weaknesses (2): Both powers require a trained focus and Lydia becomes susceptible/target to harm from spirits while "invisible" (Due to their jealousy of her ability to return to the land of the living, the longer/more often she is using their world, the less hospitable they become)
Occupation: Schoolmistress
Relationships: None
Back story: Lydia is the second daughter of three born to an apothecary owner and his wife. Since the beginning she can recall always feeling 'invisible' as the 'forgotten middle child', but when she turned 14 and discovered there was a little more truth in the phrase for her than most other middle children. Instead of marrying off early like her sisters Lydia, who struggled in all of her previous attempts to associate with men, became a schoolmistress in one of the few towns her father decided to set up shop in.

Half a year ago her family moved further West to take advantage of the boom towns cropping up here and there, but tied to her duties as the schoolmistress she insist that she remain. It wasn't a popular decision with her family, but after the pleading of a few mothers to allow her to stay until another schoolmistress could be found (at least) they were convinced to part ways.
Originally Posted by Wyrmskyld View Post

Character Name:Silas 'Silent' Kelly
Hero Persona: Death Rattle
Physical Description: Tall, tanned, with sunstreaked dark brown curls and grey eyes. Usually clean and cleanshaven.
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Personality: The nickname 'Silent' came honestly. Silas always seems to be quiet and thinking deep thoughts. Perhaps a bit absentminded. Very polite. Women find him intriguingly mysterious, and men find him good-natured, pleasant company. He usually has an even temper and seems almost impossible to anger, but every once in a while something sets him off with disastrous results for whoever angered him. Sometimes his personality just -changes- for a few hours-- see Weaknesses.
Quirks: Quiet. Doesn't drink much, by Western standards. Very aware of his personal cleanliness. If he weren't so tough he might be considered a bit of a dude.
Powers: 1)Speaks to spirits-- or rather, spirits speak to him. Often. It's why he's quiet and seems absentminded. He's listening. 2) Can grant the ability to see and hear spirits to other people temporarily.
Weaknesses: 1) Has a significant chance of being possessed by the ghosts he speaks to. If the ghost succeeds, it will try to carry out whatever purpose brought it back as a ghost. 2) He's always being pestered by spirits. It's like having annoying younger siblings who can walk through walls and never have to stop to eat or breathe.
Occupation: Cowboy
Relationships: With living people? Not many. Everyone seems to like him but nobody really knows him, and sometimes he has trouble telling if the person he's talking to is living or dead.
Back story: Silent's family has always had a history of what his grandmother called 'the Sight'. He was born in Chicago, and while he was still a baby his father took Horace Greeley's advice and 'went West', and his mother found another husband. Her new husband didn't want someone else's child, so baby Silas was sent to live with his Irish grandmother. He's glad of that, because she knew what to do when the small boy started talking to ghosts. Granny Kelly died of old age shortly after he graduated college, and her ghost asked him to find his father. He's been looking for several years, but hasn't found any information lately.
Originally Posted by Temple View Post

Character Name:Ohanko
Hero Persona:reckless red
Physical Description: Ohanko is a large man with long black hair that is braided all the way down with a eagle feather located at the top he wears a dusty suit with a shotgun holster on the right side.
Personality:Ohanko like his name is reckless when it come's to danger charging in to help who ever is in danger Ohanko tho try's to keep to himself being a native american but never letting himself become depressed.
Quirks:when ever Ohanko becomes stressed he finds himself playing with children because of there innocence.
Powers :(1) Ohanko has hawk like eye's able to see farther then normal people can (2)Ohanko has super reflexes from slashing with tomahawks to drawing a gun.
Weaknesses (2):Ohanko's powers are almost charged by the sun so if he finds himself outside of the suns reach for more then twenty four hours it renders his powers useless. Ohanko's powers can not be used at the same time as each other
Occupation:Ohanko helps at the school and also helps with heavy lifting but isn't able to get a real job because of who he is.
Relationships:Ohanko has two brothers and an older sister who are still with his people
Back story:Ohanko come's from a large tribe that like other tribes fallows the buffalo but Ohanko did not think that this was the life he would live after being given access to leave his people he took the amount of money that he had taken off of dead raiders that he killed buying a suit even when he looked like any other person he was shunned on for his skin but this never stopped him from smiling on life and his ancestors Ohanko when he was 25 found himself helping every one that he thought needed it from defending caravans to repairing buildings he always tried to help he always thought that his gifts were given to him from his ancestors to help people in need of help.

Last edited by Mythos; 03-15-2013 at 02:03 AM..