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AzuraX is offline
Old 03-15-2013, 02:55 AM

"Innocent" Children -The Corrupted Series-

It started years ago.
A lonely girl.
She dreamed of taking over the world.
It seemed like a silly thing at the time.

As time went on.
The girl grew up.
But her dream remained the same.
If she could have one wish,
it would be to take over the world

It started years ago.
When she first crossed with fate.
A childhood filled with wonderful things.
The fact that he came along changed everything.

He showed her amazing things.
Seemingly impossible dreams.
Such wonderful hopes.
All began to turn the gears of fate.

As the clock rings.
Their days come to an end.
"I swear someday,
we will meet again."

The oath echoed on.
An innocent promise.
Till everything went...

To be continued?

Last edited by AzuraX; 04-05-2013 at 12:59 PM..