Thread: The Pace of RP
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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-15-2013, 12:24 PM

Now don't take this the wrong way, I'm quite happy with all of the games I've been involved in here, but what's killing my RP mojo is the pace or speed the games take on after about two weeks.

For someone who comes from a chat/IM RP background and checks their RP thread subscriptions more than once a day but sees no new posts on several RPs over the course of a week it starts to feel like I'm watching paint dry. I'm sure we all know why forum RPs get sluggish... Some people get busy or they don't check their subscriptions, or they forget about replying... but what I'm asking is how do you fix it?
  • What do you do to make sure you keep pace with your games?
  • What do you do to make sure others keep pace with your games?
  • Is it rude to send a message/ping to someone on the OOC thread to remind them to post?
  • Should/have you sought out players who are good about replying often?
  • What do you consider as "a good pace"
  • Do you like the pace of the replies, but not the pace of the storyline?
  • Do you find games with more players have a harder time keeping pace? (Referring only to Group RP)