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"Wear your heart on your cheek."
Shiverpass is offline
Old 04-04-2013, 09:08 PM

Jordan had lost the game. Against himself! It was just one of those unlucky pool game days for him. He was lucky he wasn't playing against anyone, or even in a tournament. Just then he heard a faint, muffled, frustrated girl's voice. He looked over to the bar door, seeing a girl rush out to the middle of the street. His eyes then averted to the fallen books.

Curious, he put his cue away and walked to the door, opening it.

"Eh, where ya goin' Jordan?" Mickey asked from the bar.

"I'll be right back," Jordan assured him with a wave of his hand, heading out the door and looking at the girl once more.

What was she doing in this part of the town? Jordan questioned in his mind as he eyed her appearance. She didn't look like she was from around here. He heard some laughing, looking to the left at an on-coming group that looked bad-news. He sighed and hurried over to the girl.

"It's a bad part of the day to be in this part of town," he murmured to her as he helped her pick up her books, hurrying her away from here. But it was too late. Other groups were headed this way, just passing through. One look at the girl, he knew they'd harass her and nothing good would surely come out of it.

"Come inside until this place clears up. I don't wanna see any trouble around here involving a girl," he grumbled as he stood up with her books, holding out a hand to her.