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AzuraX is offline
Old 04-07-2013, 07:43 PM

Forbidden Love -The Corrupted Series-

Here is the beginning.
Here is the start.
Here is where it all began.
This is just where fate started to move.

A lonely angel in the sky.
She fell in love with a human.
But it was forbidden so she hid in the clouds.

I was nothing more than the usual teenager boy.
A guy who put on fake smiles.
But at night I could feel someone watching.
Like they were trying to comfort me.

I watched him every night.
That lovely face covered in tears.
I deeply wished to comfort him.
So I did the forbidden.

One night I awoke to a beautiful light.
There she was, an angel so beautiful and bright.
I loved her instantly.
I'm sorry to say I forgot all about my past promise.

We were so deeply in love.
Though we knew we were breaking the rules.

Yet even so I could not bare to be without her.
The mere thought drove me insane.

I don't want to be without you.
Please don't ever leave my side.
Even if one day the punishment comes.
Remember that I...
"Will always love you."

The punishment comes.
Our days will soon end.
As the toll of the clock rings out....

The fire begins.

(The beginning of the end.)

Last edited by AzuraX; 04-10-2013 at 01:53 AM..