Thread: Queer QTs
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ljosberinn is offline
Old 04-16-2013, 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
That's good! I'm thinking about disappearing off myself - we'll see how this goes. I'll probably be disappearing off when mom gets home from work. But I've been doing fairly well - currently on semester break (in between colleges) ... and waiting on hearing back from the school I REALLY want to go to. Fingers crossed there definitely! It's good to see you back and around again. =]
Ahh fingers crossed for you!! <3 I dunno if I'll stick around tbh but we'll see. And ugh about the library fines.. I think working at the library for a few summers completely destroyed my ability to return things on time since employers don't get fined xP I do love audiobooks though and can usually find some online. And I tend to get books for yule or birthdays, so I'm well stocked. :) I miss being able to afford to go on amazon and just buy a small bunch of books!

occulta, nice! You'll have to link us when the thread is up! :D

Ahhh my brain has just slowed down by 50% in the last half an hour.. think I'm gonna get me beauty sleep, I'm meeting a photographer tomorrow for a photoshoot.. excited! ^______^ nighty night all!