Thread: hello.
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Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 04-17-2013, 04:30 AM

There really should be a great deal of reform when it comes to teaching, especially at the university level where students are expected to learn and comprehend more complicated material than what we were exposed to in high school, the majority of which had little to no preparation for what most of us intended on studying. I'm an English Lit major, and I don't think I was even close to being prepared for the amount of work and the quality of said work that I would have to do.

Demo, ew, that's terrible! I mean, obviously there's stuff that you could learn from her, but if she can't teach it then what's the point? And the fact that your school is struggling to keep up with the program is a shame. I hate seeing the arts struggling so hard against these more hard sciences. I understand that the arts are considered more trivial than hard sciences, but they're just as important.

jupiter, Yeah, I hate those kinds of classes. We had that with my Geography class last year. Not that geography is inherently hard or anything, but some students just couldn't grasp the content and that left the rest of us trying to explain it to them before we could get to our work.

---------- Post added 04-16-2013 at 09:32 PM ----------

Cherry, community college teachers can be great. Truly. But it is a community college. From my experience, I've fared much better with my university professors than with the community college professors I had. With university, they're more passionate about their subjects I feel.