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pollik17 is offline
Old 04-17-2013, 04:37 AM

This is Day One
This creature is a pellicius hyacinthum luscus simia (Furry Blue-Eyed Monkey).
This is its story:
Around 6pm this day, I felt very bored, so I decided to explore more about Duval. I heard that Lise was planning to go to a place called the Boden mines, so I asked the locals if they know where to find it, then eventually I found the place Lise was talking about. It surely was a creepy place, filled with dirt, cobwebs and old mining materials. Before I went inside the cave, I met a local named Uncle Pete, who is also the caretaker of the mine. He advised me that I should bring a flashlight because even though the mine has somewhat a bit of light from the lamps he set in there, it was not enough to light up the whole mine. He also handed me a booklet containing information about the mine.
As I started to enter the mine, I felt very uneasy because it seems that someone or something has been watching me. I went deeper to the mines where only my flashlight was the only source of light I have. My feet happen to bump into this little creature which caused it to be afraid and to run away. It ran very fast, as if it was an antelope, but I managed to follow its direction going to a huge room filled with hundreds of these creatures.
They have two short arms and hands for climbing or picking up things and four longer legs and small pointed feet for walking or running. Their body are coated with wool-like skin that shines, when flashed by light. I took out the booklet Uncle Pete gave me and looked for the picture of this creature that I just saw. It says that these creatures are called the pellicius hyacinthum luscus simia or commonly called by the locals as the Furry Blue-Eyed Monkey. They love living in caves or dark places and hate going to places with light and they only go out during nighttime because they become temporarily blind when their eyes are exposed to bright light. They also have a keen sense of smell that helps them hunt for food. Usually, they eat bugs and insects, but sometimes they prefer hunting for small fishes and crabs. They have sharp teeth for chewing their food and a long sticky tongue, similar to a frog’s tongue, for catching their food from afar.
I approach the monkey that I found earlier to observe more about it. It seems that it was just a little baby and it went to its parents. I tried to get a little bit nearer, but accidentally the light from my flashlight shone directly to the baby’s eyes, so it uttered a small, sharp cry. Its parents screeched loudly in response, along with the other monkeys. I felt very nervous and afraid, so I stood up and started walking away. To my horror, their eyes glowed brightly and started chasing after me, so I ran as fast as I could to leave the mine. I can see those sharp teeth they have while they were chasing me. I was very lucky to be able to run on to Uncle Pete. He was holding a torch, which he used to drive away those creatures. I learned that fire is a very useful weapon against those monkeys, because their bodies are covered with oil and that oil is the reason why their bodies shine when exposed to light.
This is the end of my first adventure here in Duval, but I heard there are lots of different creatures here, I hope to see more of them soon before we leave this place...

---------- Post added 04-17-2013 at 12:42 PM ----------

oh... why oh why my entry was not added to the entries T^T