Thread: hello.
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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-17-2013, 04:52 AM

I suppose I'm somewhat lucky in that I didn't go to highschool, so I had no preconceived ideas about what was expected of me. In fact, I built up the expectations to such scary levels in my mind that sometimes I get an assignment and I'm like "that's all you want? Really? You sure?" It didn't help that, at the time I entered college, I was dating a guy who was in his Junior year, so hearing about his assignments put the fear of god into me. I just hope that as I continue at my community college, things will get progressively harder so there won't be a huge disparity of expectations when I transfer to a four year.

I do look forward to more professors with passion. I've had some, but others just don't seem to care at all. My English teacher recently gave us (10!) extra credit points if we wore something red on the day of a Cardinals game. Like... seriously? And he's always letting out class half an hour early if he can, and his lectures are just definitions of terms that will be on the exam. He's basically just reading off the powerpoint, not giving much more than that. :/ My first English teacher wasn't a whole lot better, either. He spent very little time teaching us anything and the rest of the time just having us do silly games that were meant to enforce the lesson (but didn't because if we got something wrong, like comma placement, he would just say no and tell us to try again - GUESSING until someone says you got it right doesn't teach you the rules!). I really love English, I'm considering minoring in it, why can't I get an English teacher who gives a damn?