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Staria is offline
Old 04-19-2013, 04:02 AM

Tira hesitated but released the disk, the flesh fingers on her right hand closing towards the metal covered palm as she dropped her hands. She knew when she came this could damn or save the place she once called home but this was all she could do. This was one fight she could not do alone. She sat down, playing with her tail still in that nervous gesture. She absently thought that she was already slotted for execution back on Terminatius anyway as she dropped the tail, thinking her journey over before it began until she realized the other woman was still speaking. She raised her gaze slowly to look at the other woman, rather startled when her hand was taken. Few would take the hand of a cyborg.... particularly one whose electric abilities were so high as Tira's. As the promise was made a flicker of hope entered that vivid blue eye and Tira briefly looked a little less defeated, a little less broken then she had when she'd arrived.

"I believe you... Honorable Warlord" She responded softly, a blush touching her features. She was not use to being spoken to so respectively... The poor and honest were not treated well, and of course cyborg drones were treated as objects. She was not quite sure how to react to being spoken to in such a manner, let alone from someone of the highest social class when she was literally the lowest. At least she probably was. It was harder to get lower then an escaped slave drone who was sentenced to death already by the crime family that had 'owned' them. She didn't even want to know just what they had done with her during that year it took for her magic and mind to recover... or what they had made her do.