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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-19-2013, 04:55 AM

Zain took a quick cold shower and then spent some time marveling at the lack of clothes thrown all over the floor of his bedroom. "She really takes cleaning seriously," he muttered before finding something clean to wear. His head was clearer now, though he almost wished it wasn't because when he checked his phone, he realized he had missed numerous important calls.

Still buttoning his shirt, Zain reappeared in the kitchen. He went straight for the coffee without any words of thanks, though in his head, he was praising Miki to kingdom come. "You wouldn't happen to know any other people who are in desperate need of money would you?" he asked with a grumble as he sat down at the table. He didn't have any hopes that she would, but he asked just in case.