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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 04-21-2013, 04:29 PM

Only three other families here? It didn't seem like much for a place that seemed to be magical. Even an untrained wizard or witch could feel it's pull. The mannequin seemed to be giving off the most. Must be some powerful spell to preserve it. He looked up at the sky. It was indeed getting dark. He'd have to go see if his sister was in her dorm. She'd be the first one to sneak out and run for the mannequin. If there was some insane story like this one, she'd be there to investigate it. "There is plenty of time to talk in the future. We don't want to get in trouble on our first day." He waved his friend goodbye and headed for the dorms.

He knocked on his sister's room and heard a disgruntled 'come in' from the other side. He opened to the door to find Akira sitting by the window with a book in her hand and earphones in. She pulled the earphones out before saying, "Came to check on me? Making sure I'd follow the curfew?"

"You aren't one to follow the rules. Since you are here and not roaming around, I shall retire to my own dorm. See you tomorrow, and please do get up on time." He waved as he walked out of the room and towards his own where he flopped on the bed in exhaustion.


A flash of light from under the door (All lights were off in her room except for a lamp.) and a wave of magic struck Akira as she was still reading her book. She had left the window open to feel the nice cool breeze, but the voice she heard hadn't been carried upon it. It was coming from somewhere in the building, but she couldn't go and investigate it. The curfew meant that no one could leave their dorms, even to walk around the building.

She turned toward the middle of her room and closed her eyes. She focused on the floor there, and the tiger tattoo upon her right shoulder blade. When she felt she had accomplished her goal, she opened her eyes to find that exact tiger standing before her. I want you to go out there and see who's walking around. If you can, get their names and search for the mannequin in the front hall. Either standing up or hidden somewhere else in the building. There's a picture of what it would look like." She unlocked the door and opened it for the tiger to escape.

The tiger ventured down the hall and down a flight of stairs, not caring if anyone saw him. If anyone yelled at the sight of him, he'd just return to his master's room before animal control would try to take him away.

Setsutarou groaned when his entire room light up for a second. The forecast didn't call for a thunderstorm. He sat up and peered out the window. The stars were out and the moon was shining too brightly for a thunderstorm. Something else had to have caused it. Knowing his sister probably figured out the same, he knew she'd be out there finding out the source. He'd have to check her room for sure, though.

He snuck out of his room and headed up the hall. He certainly was not getting caught because of his sister's tendencies. They had to move a lot because of them. As far as he knew, his parents were still Johannesburg, Germany. As far as he knew, no one else had noticed the flash or the magical pull that followed shortly after. Hopefully, that meant his chances of getting caught were quite thin.

He knocked on his sister's door. It swung open with a lavender-haired girl behind it.

"What do you want?"

"Just making sure you're still here. Surely, you felt that," he said with raised eyebrows. Something like that couldn't be passed by someone with an affinity for magic.

"Oh, that. Yeah, I felt it. I sent my tiger out to investigate it," she said nonchalantly. Nothing about it bothered her. Not the possibility of them being found out, or the entire school going up in panic.

Setsu ran out of the room muttering under his breath about his sister being irresponsible and the shear stupidity of releasing a tiger in a school full of children. With a sigh, Akira followed leaving the door hanging wide open.

A voice was calling out for someone named Leo when Setsu arrived in the front hall. "Can't be. He wouldn't break the rules. Has to be someone else," he whispered to himself. He didn't really know his friend for such a thing. Besides, it was him who rushed off so quickly to get to his dorm. Why would he be out here after dark? And who'd be calling for him?

He heard footsteps behind him and hide in the shadows. Upon seeing that it was his sister, he grabbed her and pushed her up against the walls. "You will stay here. I'll go look to see if the coast is clear. Okay?" With a nod from his sister, he stepped around the corner.

Last edited by flamethrower1391; 04-22-2013 at 01:51 AM..